Tonkünstler-Orchester Niederösterreich, NEW WORK for Symphony Orchestra. World Premiere. Conductor: Kai Johannes Polzhofer, 24th of August 2025, Auditorium, Grafenegg Festival, Grafenegg (AT)
Mahler Academy Orchestra, Assistant Conductor, 2025-, Bolzano
Jacopo Peri: L’Euridice (Re-Thinking Camerata), Opera Project with with Karin Sjöholm (Stage Director), Musical Direction, 2025, Copenhagen. More information follows. Made possible by Statens Kunstfond.
Wiener Symphoniker, Assistant Conductor, 2025, Vienna
Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Assistant Conductor, 2024/25, Düsseldorf
Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop Berlin, Conductor, Adam Linder/Ethan Braun: Tournament, 2024/25, Berlin
Richard Wagner Society Vienna, Artist’s Talk, 26th of November, Café Museum, Vienna
Pauline Oliveros: Deep Listening, Workshop with the next generation, Kulturskolen Roskilde, Roskilde (part of KLAR!festival 2024)
KLAR!festival 2024, 5th of October, Artistic Director, Ledreborg Castle (Lejre)
Internationale Richard Wagner Society, Stipend, 2024, Bayreuth
Danish Philharmonic Orchestra, 12th January 2024, Alsion, Sønderborg (DK), Klaus Lang: kharis (World Premiere), F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Symphony No. 5 „Reformation“, S. Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 3 (Soloist: Gustav Piekut)
ensemble gageego! (Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra), 23nd November 2023, Gothenburg Concert House (SE), Esajas Järnegard: NEW WORK, Soloists: Christina Meißner (Violoncello), Sergej Tchirkov (Accordion)
SWR Symphonieorchester, Donaueschinger Musiktage, 22nd October 2023, Donaueschingen Baarsporthalle (DE), Germany, Younghi Pagh-Paan: Frau, warum weinst Du? Wen suchst Du? (World Premiere), Francesca Verunelli: Tune and Retune II (World Premiere), Steven Kazuo Takasugi: Concert for piano, orchestra and electronics (World Premiere), Roger Admiral (Soloist), Ingo Metzmacher (Conductor). Assistant.
Opera Gothenburg, 11th June 2023, Göteborg Opera (SE), Stora Scenen, with Göteborgs Operans Kör, Göteborgs Operans Orkester, End-of-Season Concert Avanti!, Highlights from Puccini’s Manon Lescaut, La Bohème, Tosca, Turandot. Soloists: Ida Falk Winland, Mia Karlsson, Ann Louice Löglund, Carolina Sandgren, Daniel Ralphsson, Thomas Lind, Ángel Maćias, Hannes Öberg, Anders Lorentzson
Odense Symphony Orchestra, 1st June 2023, Carl Nielsen Salen, Odense (DK), G. Ligeti: Concert Românesc, M. Ravel: Don Quichotte à Dulcinée, J. Sibelius: Symphony No. 2 (Soloist: Asmus Hanke Frederiksen)
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra, 17th May 2023, Musikkens Hus, Aalborg (DK), C. Debussy: Petite Suite, P. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6
Royal Danish Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, 2nd May 2023, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No. 4, F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Overture Fingal’s Cave
European Platform for Artistic Research in Music, Concert, 30th March 2023, The Academy Concert Hall, Julius, Frederiksberg, Athanasia Kotronia: Djupa Kärlek Ingen for Chamber Orchestra
Royal Danish Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, 21st February 2023, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), G. Holst: The Planets
L. Janáček: Příhody lišky Bystroušky (The Cunning Little Vixen), full opera production, 2022/23,Copenhagen Opera Academy, DKDM Voice Department, DKDM Orchestra.
Charity concert, J.S. Bach, J. Cage, K. Lang, F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Works for ensemble, Sakramentskirken, Copenhagen (DK), Egidio Ensemble, Jonathan Munro (Altus), Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor), 19th Nov 2022, 8pm
[Please donate or bring (new) socks, blankest, gloves to be distributed to people in need on the streets of Copenhagen.]
VII. Basler Forum für Musikästhetik (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Philosophy Department University Basel): Presentation: „Überforderung als kompositorisches Paradigma einer neuen Anthropologie. Gedanken zu Beethoven“, 4th November 2022, Basel (CH)
Ensemble Contemporary Insights, Humoresque informelle for Ensemble, premiere, 22nd October 2022, Leipzig (D)
Danish National Symphony Orchestra (DR), Fabio Luisi, Conducting assistance, September 2022, A. Schoenberg: Gurre-Lieder, (DK),
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, 22nd June 2022, Symfonisk Sal, Aarhus (DK), Program: J. Haydn: Symphony No. 103, P. I. Tchaikovsky; Symphony No. 1, Josué Blanco: New Work, Jakob Ridderberg: New Work
DKDM Chamber Orchestra, 1st June 2022, 19:30, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), F.-A. Boieldieu: Concerto for Harp and Orchestra, C. Debussy: Danse Sacrée et Danse Profane, Tatiana Bondareva (Harp)
Odense Symphony Orchestra, 25th May 2022, Carl Nielsen Salen, Odense (DK), C. Nielsen: Pan og Syrinx, Beethoven: Symphony No. 6
premiere, May 2022, New Composition for Just Ensemble, Saint Petersburg (RU) Cancelled due to War
Finalist, Only Stage Conduction Competition, March 2022, London (UK)
Pulsar Festival for New Music, ensemble fingerspitzengefühl, Radiohusets koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), 13th March 2022, Yongbing Dai: Confusion for ensemble
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra, 3-5th February 2022, Musikkens Hus, Aalborg (DK), M. Ravel: Suite Ma Mere l’Oye, J. Sibelius: Symphony No. 5
Royal Danish Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, 11th November 2021, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), I. Stravinsky: Symphonies for Winds, F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Symphony No. 4
Semi-Finalist, Koussevitzky Conducting Competition 2021, Grosseto (IT)
Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, 20th-22th September 2021, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), J. Brahms: Variations on a Theme of Joseph Haydn, L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No. 5, C. Nielsen: Symphony No. 4
Ensemble Mosaik (Mathis Mayr), premiere: For Alexander Vasilievich Alexeev for Violoncello Solo (2020/21), 20th August 2021, Kunsthaus sans titre, Potsdam (DE), Intersonanzen Festival
Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester, 12th May 2021, Alsion, Sønderborg, Denmark, J. Brahms Tragic Overture, C. Debussy: Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune, R. Strauss Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra, I. Stravinsky Pulcinella Suite
premiere/composition For Alexander Vasilievich Alexeev for Violoncello Solo (2020/21), Festival forma Leipzig, Ensemble Mosaik, Mathis Mayr (Violoncello)
Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, 26th-28th April 2021, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), C. Nielsen: Helios Overture, J. Sibelius: Tapiola, W. Lutosławski: Symphony No. 3
Royal Danish Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, 15th April 2021 (dates TBA), Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), P. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5, Overture to Romeo and Juliet, Concert cancelled due to Corona lock down
publication Articles about Mark Andre, Alban Berg, Morton Feldman, Klaus Lang, Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Peter Ruzicka, Pierluigi Billone, Franz Schreker. In: F. Heidlberger, G. Schröder, Chr. Wünsch (ed.): Lexikon des Orchesters, Laaber (Laaber Verlag, 2020)
Pulsar Festival for New Music, Radiohusets koncertsal, Copenhagen, 14th March 2021, 4pm, Marianna Filippi: The Trees speak without words for soprano and four accordeons, Goya Tronel (Soprano)
Royal Danish Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, 30th November – 1st December 2020, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), S. Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances
Royal Danish Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, 26th October – 3rd November 2020, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), W. A. Mozart: Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra, G. Mahler: Symphony No. 4, Soloists: Raul Albala (Bassoon), Helle Gössler (Soprano). Concert cancelled due to Corona lock down
Royal Danish Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, 21st – 29th September 2020, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), L. v. Beethoven: Leonora Overture III, J. Haydn: Symphony No. 100, J. Sibelius: Violin Concerto, Soloist: Anna Egholm
Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, 6th-9th September 2020, Radiohusets Koncertsal, Copenhagen (DK), C. Nielsen: Symphony No. 1, J. Sibelius: Symphony No. 2
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, 6th-8th August 2020, Symfonisk Sal, Aarhus (DK), E. Elgar: Enigma Variations, L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No. 7
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, 3th – 5th August 2020, Symfonisk Sal, Aarhus (DK), A. Dvorak: Symphony No. 9, L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No.5
premiere August 2020, Syrinx for ensemble adapter (Berlin), forma Leipzig festival, Leipzig (DE). Cancelled due to Corona lock down.
premiere July 2020, “Keiner kennt seinen eigenen Namen, keiner kennt sein wirkliches Antlitz” (Léon Bloy), Elf Orte after texts by Robert Musil and of the New Testament for Tuba and electronics, Jack Adler-McKean (Tuba), Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik, Darmstadt (DE). Cancelled due to Corona lock down.
concert 16th May 2020, 7pm, G. Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, A. Lokshin: Suite „From Lyrics by François Villon“, Gavriil Popov: Chamber Symphony, Мастерская Аникушина, Saint-Petersburg (RU), Kandinsky Orchestra Petersburg, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor). Cancelled due to Corona lock down.
concert 25th April 2020, 7pm, G. Popov: Chamber Symphony, L. v. Beethoven: Piano Concerto N. 3, Мастерская Аникушина, Saint-Petersburg (RU), Kandinsky Orchestra Petersburg, Platon Cherkasov (piano), Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor). Cancelled due to Corona lock down.
text publication Die Philosophie des Geistes ist eine ästhetische Philosophie — Beethovens Fünfte und Sechste als Beitrag zur Metaphysikdiskussion der deutschen Philosophie um 1800. In: M. Janson, F. König, Th. Wendt (ed.): Philosophie und Epochenbewusstsein. Untersuchungen zur Reichweite philosophischer Zeitdiagnostik, Würzburg (Königshausen & Neumann), March 2020.
conference presentation March 2020, Annual International Conference, Saint-Petersburg State Conservatory (RU), “Музыка как знание — рефлексия о Бетховене и Канте”. Cancelled due to Corona lock down.
concert 24th of November 2019, 7pm, P. Ablinger: Amtssee bei Regen, F.Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Fingal’s Cave (chamber version), K. Lang: rindenmotette, Benua Museum St. Petersburg, Kandinsky Orchestra Petersburg, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
conducting assistance November 2019, Joseph Haydn: Symphony No. 49, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Clarinet Concerto, Dmitri Shostakovich, Symphony No. 9, Lahti Symphony Orchestra (Finland), Leonid Grin (Conductor)
concert 5th October 2019, 4pm, K. Lang: rindenmotette, Мастерская Аникушина, Saint-Petersburg, ( Festival/Фестиваль «Игры с классикой»), with Stanislaw Tatok, Anastasia Mosina (RU/AM ST eurythmy) and soloists of Kandinsky Orchestra Petersburg, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
concert 13th October 2019, K. Stockhausen: The Seven Days, J. Haydn: Symphony No. 44 (Canon Symphony), K. Lang: rindenmotette (proportional canon), Мастерская Аникушина, Saint-Petersburg, Kandinsky Orchestra Petersburg, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
laboratorio spazio musicale 9th-30th August 2019, G. Verdi: Rigoletto, Teatro Mancinello, Orvieto (IT), with Gabriella Ravazzi and Maestro Marco Guidarini
concert 30th June 2019, 5pm, S. Reich: Vermont Counterpoint for 16 flutes, Alexandrinski Theatre (New Stage), Saint-Petersburg (RU), with Maria Fedotova and Nikolai Mokhov (soloist of Mariinsky Theatre), Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
concert 28th April 2019, 5 and 7pm, S. Reich: Vermont Counterpoint for 16 flutes, Sheremetev Palace, Petrikirche, Saint-Petersburg (RU), with Maria Fedotova (Mariinksy), Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
concert 20th April 2019, 7pm, M. Ravel: Introduction and Allegro, K. Stockhausen: Set Sail for the Sun (from The Seven Days), G. Scelsi: Pranam II, Rimsky–Korsakov Memorial Museum, Saint-Petersburg (RU), Austro-Hungarian Avantgarde Orchestra St. Petersburg, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
concert 5th April 2019, 6pm, K. Stockhausen: Set Sail for the Sun (from The Seven Days), F. Schubert: Symphony No. 5, J. Cage: Five, A. Copland: Appalachian Spring, National Library of Russia, Saint-Petersburg (RU), Austro-Hungarian Avantgarde Orchestra St. Petersburg, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
conference presentation 8th March 2019, University of Leipzig (Institut für Geschichte der Philosophie) (DE). Arbeitstagung: Philosophie und Epochenbewusstsein, “Die Philosophie des Geistes ist eine ästhetische Philosophie— Beethovens mittlere Symphonik im Ausgang des Ältesten Systemprogramms des deutschen Idealismus“
concert 28th February 2019, 7pm, J. Cage: Five, A. Copland: Appalachian Spring, B. Bartok, Romanian Folk Dances. Petrikirche, Saint-Petersburg (RU), Austro-Hungarian Orchestra St. Petersburg (Австро-венгерский оркестр Петербург), Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
text publication “Philosophische Anthropologie und Analogia Entis. Erich Przywaras Beitrag zur kritischen Anthropologie.” In: Philokles. Zeitschrift für Philosophie (DE)
conference paper “Natur und Abstraktion – Philosophische Überlegungen zum Mimesisbegriff bei Klaus Lang” was accepted to the 31. DVSM Symposium Musik und Ästhetik, held from November 8–10, 2018 at Humboldt University Berlin (DE). The abstract can be found here: Natur und Abstraktion
performance 27th October 2018, 8pm, “Endymion” for Bass Clarinet and String Trio, and works by Stefan Beyer, Jani Christou, Ermis Theodorakis, and Annahita Abbasi, Ariowitsch Haus, Leipzig (DE), Ensemble forma Leipzig
DVD release June 2018, Blue-Ray Release, Steven K. Takasugi “The Sideshow”, Kairos Music (AT), including extendeded interviews with about The Sideshow
performance 20th June 2018, Galerie Wechselstrom, Vienna (AT), “Keiner kennt seinen eigenen Namen, keiner kennt sein wirkliches Antlitz” (Léon Bloy), Four Improvisations after a Poem from “grenzland” by Anja Kampmann for Guitar and Electronics (2014/15), Seth Josel (Guitar)
premiere May 2018, Paine Hall, Harvard Music Building, Cambridge, MA (USA), “Eurydike” from “Totenfest” for String Octet (2017), Jack Quartet and Mivos Quartet
seminar March 19th-23rd 2018, “Von Kant zu Nono“, Blockseminar Philosophie und Musik, Institut für Philosophie, Universität Leipzig (DE)
concert 4th February 2018, 11am,J.S. Bach, “Ich habe genug” (BWV 82), Jesus-Christus-Kirche, Berlin-Dahlem (DE), Johannes Rudschies (Baritone), Bach-Ensemble an der Humboldt Universität, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
concert 7th January 2018, 11am,J.S. Bach, “Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen” (BWV 51), Jesus-Christus-Kirche, Berlin-Dahlem (DE), Sophia Schupelius (Soprano), Bach-Ensemble an der Humboldt Universität, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
premiere 16th December 2017, 8pm, Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig, Leipzig (DE), “Keiner kennt seinen eigenen Namen, keiner kennt sein wirkliches Antlitz” (Léon Bloy), Four Improvisations after a Poem from “grenzland” by Anja Kampmann for Guitar and Electronics (2014-16), Seth Josel (Guitar)
concert 10th December 2017, 11am,J.S. Bach, “Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust” (BWV 170), Jesus-Christus-Kirche, Berlin-Dahlem (DE), Luzia Tieze (Alto), Bach-Ensemble an der Humboldt Universität, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
premiere 4th November 2017, 8pm, Paine Hall, Harvard Music Building, Cambridge, MA (USA), “Syrinx” from “Totenfest” for Ensemble (2017), Ensemble Adapter
opera performance 21th, 26th August 2017, 7.30pm, Great Hall, Dartington (UK), Benjamin Britten: “Peter Grimes”, Assistant Conductor, Dartington Festival Orchestra
award “Bohemians” Prize (New York Musicians Club) for “Keiner kennt seinen eigenen Namen, keiner kennt sein wirkliches Antlitz” (Léon Bloy), Elf Orte after texts by Robert Musil and of the New Testamentfor Tuba and electronics (2014)
award Distinction in Teaching Award (Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University), 2017
premiere 20th May 2017, 8pm, Paine Hall, Harvard Music Building, Cambridge, MA (USA),“Die Tränen der Aphrodite” (“Aphrodite’s Tears”) for Ensemble (2016/17), Elision Ensemble
concert 29th April 2017, Harvard Arts First Festival, Sanders Theater, Harvard, Cambridge, MA (USA), Du Bois Orchestra at Harvard. Program: W. A. Mozart: Overture to The Magic Flute, Silvestre Revueltas: Oxo x radio, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (Conductor)
concert 7th April 2017, 8pm, Harvard University Lutheran Church, Cambridge, MA (USA), Du Bois Orchestra at Harvard. Program: C. M. v. Weber: Overture to Freischütz, Hans Krása: Overture for Small Orchestra (1943),L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No. 4, op. 60, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (Conductor)
presentation 22nd February 2017, Columbia University, Department of Music, New York City (USA), presentation and discussion of current compositions
interview 9th December 2016, Interview with the Harvard Office for the Arts Harvard Blog about the mission of the Du Bois Orchestra Harvard and social inclusivity through classical music.
concert 9th December 2016, 8pm, Harvard University Lutheran Church, Cambridge, MA (USA), Du Bois Orchestra at Harvard. Program: W.A. Mozart: Symphony No. 30 Eb-flat, Robert Schumann, Symphony No. 2, Fanny Hensel: Lobgesang (Cantata). Felicia Chen (Soprano), Kai Johannes Polzhofer (Conductor)
concert 30th October 2016, 5pm, Harvard University Lutheran Church, Cambridge, MA (USA), Du Bois Orchestra at Harvard. Program: S. Revueltas: Oxo, A. Copland: Appalachian Spring, L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 (“Pastorale”). Kai Johannes Polzhofer (Conductor)
book release October 2016, ”Perspectives for Contemporary Music in the 21st Century.” (Hofheim: Wolke Verlag)
text publication October 2016 “Ästhetische Autonomie als soziale Aufgabe”, in D. P. Bíro, K. J. Polzhofer (eds.), ”Perspectives for Contemporary Music in the 21st Century.” (Hofheim: Wolke Verlag)
premiere 22nd October 2016, 8pm, Paine Hall, Harvard Music Building, Cambridge, MA (USA),”Totenfest. III. Minotaurus” for two Trombones, RageThormbones (Matt Barbier and Weston Olencki)
conference presentation 15th October 2016, Leucorea, Martin-Luther-Universität Wittenberg-Halle (DE), “Philosophische Anthropologie und Analogia Entis – Erich Przywaras Beitrag in der Diskussion um die Möglichkeit einer positiven kritischen Anthropologie.”
radio broadcast 27th September 2016, 10:05 pm (CET),Bayern Klassik (BR Klassik): Horizonte: Stimmen zur Zukunft des Komponierens, Interview about the future of composing and excerpts from my string quartet “Totenfest. I. Echo”
published work July 2016, “Totenfest, I. Echo” (2015) for string quartet, “Totenfest, II. Endymion” for Bass Clarinet, Violin, Viola and Violoncello
text publication July 2016 “Karl Kraus in Coney Island. Zu Steven Kazuo Takasugis Sideshow“,in: Musik und Ästhetik 79, no. 3, Stuttgart (Klett-Cotta), 2016.
concert 9th July 2016, 7pm, Jaani Kirik, Tallinn (EE), J. Haydn: Cello Concerto No. 2, Violoncello: Theodor Sink, Järvi Akadeemia Sinfonietta, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (Conductor), listen for the live-stream here.
performance 21th May 2016, 8pm, Paine Hall, Harvard Music Building, Cambridge, MA (USA),“Tombeau” (2010), Ensemble Recherche
concert 30th April 2016, 8pm, Harvard University Lutheran Church, Cambridge, MA (USA),Du Bois Orchestra at Harvard. Program: L. v. Beethoven: Coriolan (Overture), J. Boulogne: Symphony op. 11. No. 1, G. Scelsi: Pranam II, F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Symphony No. 4 (“Italian”). Kai Johannes Polzhofer (Conductor).
parent panel discussion 30th April 2016, 4pm, Harvard University, Harvard Graduate School of Education (with Karen Cueva, Jasmine Chin), “How to find your way in education and music?”
Du Bois Orchestra at Harvard and Opportunity Music Project Du Bois Orchestra at Harvard hosts the young musicians from New York and the Opportunity Music Project Orchestra (New York City) at Harvard. Find here some impressions.
concert 30th April 2016, 1:30 pm, Sanders Theater, Harvard, Cambridge, MA (USA), Du Bois Orchestra at Harvard. Program: L. v. Beethoven: Coriolan (Overture), Joseph Boulogne: Symphony op. 11, 2 Kai Johannes Polzhofer (Conductor)
presentation and discussion 19th April 2016, of “Echo” for String Quartet, Boston University, Kai Johannes Polzhofer in discussion with Beat Furrer
concert 16th April 2016, 8pm, Sanders Theater, Harvard, Cambridge, MA (USA), Harvard Radcliffe Orchestra: Alban Berg: Symphony Fragment (premiere, orch. Kai Johannes Polzhofer), Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor), Pre-concert talk on Alban Berg’s Symphony Fragment with Prof. Dr. Anne C. Shreffler
premiere 2nd April 2016, 8pm, Paine Hall, Harvard Music Building, Cambridge, MA (USA), “Endymion” for Bass Clarinet and String Trio, Ensemble Distractfold
performance 5th March 2016, 8pm, Paine Hall, Harvard Music Building, Cambridge, MA (USA),“Amen dico tibi: hodie mecum eris in paradiso” for string quartet, Parker Quartet
premiere 6th February 2016, 8pm, Paine Hall, Harvard Music Building, Cambridge, MA (USA),“Echo” from “Totenfest” for String Quartet (2015), Jack Quartet
concert 19th November 2015, 8pm, Sanders Theater, Harvard, Cambridge, MA (USA), Harvard Radcliffe Orchestra: Sergei Prokofiev: Ouverture “War and Peace”, op. 91, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
concert 24st October 2015, 8pm, Sanders Theater, Harvard, Cambridge, MA (USA), Harvard Radcliffe Orchestra: Igor Stravinsky: “Feu d’artifice”, op. 4, Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
text publication September 2015, “Die Autonomie des Hörens als gesellschaftliche Praxis. Understanding Music. Philosophy and Interpretation von Roger Scruton“, in: Musik und Ästhetik 76, no. 4, Stuttgart (Klett-Cotta), 2015.
prize May 2015, Blodgett Compositon Prize for “Amen dico tibi: hodie mecum eris in paradiso” for string quartet, Harvard University (USA)
premiere 16th May 2015, 8pm, Paine Hall, Harvard Music Building, Cambridge, MA (USA), “Keiner kennt seinen eigenen Namen, keiner kennt sein wirkliches Antlitz” (Léon Bloy), for Violin, Chamber Orchestra and Electronics (2014), Ensemble Dal Niente, conductor: Michael Lewanski
concert 3rd May 2015, 9pm, Sanders Theater, Harvard, Cambridge, MA (USA), Dudley Orchestra (Symphony Orchestra of the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Science) and Dudley Choir, Spring Concert. Program: F. Schubert: Rosamunde, O. Messiaen: Les Offrandes Oubliées, A. Dvorák: Symphony No. 8. Kai Johannes Polzhofer (conductor)
performance 16th April 2015, University of California, San Diego (USA), “Keiner kennt seinen eigenen Namen, keiner kennt sein wirkliches Antlitz” (Léon Bloy), Four Improvisations after a Poem from “grenzland” by Anja Kampmann for Guitar and Electronics (2014/15), Nico Couck (Guitar)
performance 15th April 2015, Carlsbad Music Guild, Carlsbad (USA), “Keiner kennt seinen eigenen Namen, keiner kennt sein wirkliches Antlitz” (Léon Bloy), Four Improvisations after a Poem from “grenzland” by Anja Kampmann for Guitar and Electronics (2014/15), Nico Couck (Guitar)
performance 10th April 2015, University of California, Berkeley (USA), “Keiner kennt seinen eigenen Namen, keiner kennt sein wirkliches Antlitz” (Léon Bloy), Four Improvisations after a Poem from “grenzland” by Anja Kampmann for Guitar and Electronics (2014/15), Nico Couck (Guitar)
premiere 2nd April 2015, ChampdAction – deSingel, Antwerp (Belgium), “Keiner kennt seinen eigenen Namen, keiner kennt sein wirkliches Antlitz” (Léon Bloy), Four Improvisations after a Poem from “grenzland” by Anja Kampmann for Guitar and Electronics (2014/15), Nico Couck (Guitar)
conference presentation 1st March 2015, Harvard University, Cambridge / Goethe Institut Boston (USA), “Music Without Content And Some Other Confusions“
curator,moderator panel 4th August, 47. Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik, Darmstadt (DE), “New Conceptualism: A Dead End or a Way Out?” (disputants: Dániel Péter Biró, Max Murray, Ashley Fure, Harry Lehmann and Martin Schüttler)
text publication July 2014,„Commemorative Composition. Analytical Remarks on “Trauermusik im Gedenken der Völkerschlacht 1813” (2012/13), In: F. Cox, W. Schurig, C.S. Mahnkopf: Substance and Content in Music Today, Hofheim (Wolke), 2014.
prize May 2014, FRANCIS BOOTT PRIZE for “Trauermusik im Gedenken der Völkerschlacht 1813”, Dyptichon für gemischten Chor, einen Knaben, Dirigenten, Kammerorchester und fünf Lautsprecher nach Texten von Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Hölderlin und der Heiligen Schrift
radio broadcast 16th January 2014, 9:45 am (CET),Österreich 1 (OE1): Radiokolleg – Pause, Stille, Fermate (radio editor: Nikolaus Scholz). Interview about silence in music and excerpts from my string quartet “Amen dico tibi: hodie mecum eris in paradiso”, Karmusik für Streichquartett.
text publication January 2014, “Die Vermittlung von Expressivität und Introversion. Zu Mark Andres iv 2 für Violoncello Solo“. In: Musik und Ästhetik 69, no. 1, Stuttgart (Klett-Cotta), 2014.
published work October 2013 “Tombeau”für Ensemble, Brühl/Köln (Edition Gravis), 2013.
journal article October 2013 (journal article by Kreuzer about my piece “Tombeau”), “Die Neuschreibung des Alten Testaments” In: Kreuzer, no. 10, Leipzig, 2013.