To contact me, please call, send me a personal e-mail, follow me on Instagram or contact my publisher:

+43 6607991277 | kaipolzhofer [at]


Edition Gravis (Publisher)

Grabbeallee, 15

13156 Berlin

e-mail: info [at]

Kai Johannes Polzhofer


CONDUCTOR || COMPOSER 🇦🇹🇩🇪 Artistic Director: @klarfestival🇩🇰 @harvard @SaintPeteraburgStateConservatory#editiongravis
  • ❤️🔥🎵
  • It was a blast to work at Deutsche Oper am Rhein @operamrhein A team to dream of, led by one and only #elisabethstöppler on stage. Voices to reinvite whenever and wherever... Only to name a few: #ekaterinaizmailova #sergej #boristimofeevich @matulaizabela @sergeypoliakov @bauer.sings.the.kings #opera #conductorslife #deutscheoper #amrhein #stage #annikahaller #dramaturgia #annamelcher #costume @su_sigmund #musictheatre #forlife❤️
  • Premiere. Deutsche Oper am Rhein. Best soloists. Best people all around. 
#music #love #opera #гривковская_рецепты #Shostakovich #bestsingers #outstanding #music #theatre #elisabethstöppler #annikahaller @su_sigmund #annamelcher #volkerweinhart
  • Just received this. Just very excited. The work representing me most as a composer out in a study score. Beautifully made by #editiongravis.
  • Excited to conduct @tonkunstler_orchestra this summer for the premiere of a new orchestra piece of mine at @grafeneggcom #grafeneggfestival #niederösterreichestonkünstlerorchester #sommerinösterreich #Musik #daheim
  • Excited for 2025. Conducting music in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Peru. From Early Baroque Opera to Florence Price, Beethoven and Wagner, from Pauline Oliveros to Johann Strauss. And if this wouldn't be enough. Conducting a world premiere of a new composition of mine with @tonkunstler_orchestra #niederösterreich.
#newyear #conductorslife #music #opera #symphony #strauss2025 #newmusic #paulineoliveros #Beethoven #florenceprice #wagner #jacopoperi
  • Excited for Berlin...
With wonderful @solistenensemble.kaleidoskop #EthanBraun #adamlinder
  • A wonderful exclusive evening with a great public supporter of the arts and culture, major and governor of Vienna, Michael Ludwig. 
#Vienna #Wien #michaelludwig_official #musikverbindet #culture
  • @klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
  • With the one and only Master. Getting work done with @steventakasugi. Where else, if not in @cafehawelka ...
  • Endless fascination Wagner...

Thanks to these exceptional people, who embrace Wagner as an artist, who is shaping the future rather than the past! Thanks for your incredible devotion and support!

At #villawahnfried with Managing Director @stephaniekollmer and President @harryleutscher 

@rwvi_official @rwm_bayreuth
  • He said yes! Stipendiat der Richard-Wagner-Stipendienstiftung in Bayreuth. #thankyou
#wagnerstipendienstiftung #wagnerverband #wagnerverbandwien #verachtetmirdiemeisternicht
  • I am very happy to have won and received a special prize for my conducting from Maestro Daniele Gatti (#danielegatti), Academia @chigiana and Artistic Director @nicola.sani as well @rotaryclubsiena (Dr. Cesare Biagini).
È un vero onore!
  • Excited to present @klarfestival 

Together with @clara.guldberg.ravn we created a Danish-Austrian music festival, starting this October. Outstanding international artists will present outstanding art!

Follow us here, but even better, be with us this fall in one of Denmark's most beautiful castles!

@ledreborg, Design: @jy_scr
  • #opera#initalia @matteo.torcaso @matteomancini_baritone @nikolettahertsak @lorenzomartellitenore @orchestrasenzaspine
  • RIP #wolfgangrihm

Still difficult to process that the person, whose music brought me into Avant-garde at all, left.
Remembering Wolfgang Rihm means to remember not only a composer, who shaped his time more than this time shaped him, but who was not only of deepest artistic, but human warmth and empathy. How many leading artists would write a letter to some 19 year old school boy, who fell sick for his entrance exams. "Rest, go for walks, read, take a breath. Nothing rushes! Cordially. Your Wolfgang Rihm" 
It is this humanism, serving the musical endeavor not only, but profound artistry bringing more than great art, but inexhaustible empathy to the individual. This is how I will remember Wolfgang Rihm, how his music will survive, because his music is rooted in and transformed to the highest through a humane perspective in the best sense.
  • #Beethoven #Ravel #Ligeti #stravinsky
  • Every day is a good day in 🇮🇹 
#chigianafestival #siena #conductorslife #stravinsky #beethoven #ravel #ligeti
1 week ago
View on Instagram |
It was a blast to work at Deutsche Oper am Rhein @operamrhein A team to dream of, led by one and only #elisabethstöppler on stage. Voices to reinvite whenever and wherever... Only to name a few: #ekaterinaizmailova #sergej #boristimofeevich @matulaizabela @sergeypoliakov @bauer.sings.the.kings #opera #conductorslife #deutscheoper #amrhein #stage #annikahaller #dramaturgia #annamelcher #costume @su_sigmund #musictheatre #forlife❤️
It was a blast to work at Deutsche Oper am Rhein @operamrhein A team to dream of, led by one and only #elisabethstöppler on stage. Voices to reinvite whenever and wherever… Only to name a few: #ekaterinaizmailova #sergej #boristimofeevich @matulaizabela @sergeypoliakov @bauer.sings.the.kings #opera #conductorslife #deutscheoper #amrhein #stage #annikahaller #dramaturgia #annamelcher #costume @su_sigmund #musictheatre #forlife❤️
2 weeks ago
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Premiere. Deutsche Oper am Rhein. Best soloists. Best people all around. 
#music #love #opera #гривковская_рецепты #Shostakovich #bestsingers #outstanding #music #theatre #elisabethstöppler #annikahaller @su_sigmund #annamelcher #volkerweinhart
Premiere. Deutsche Oper am Rhein. Best soloists. Best people all around. #music #love #opera #гривковская_рецепты #Shostakovich #bestsingers #outstanding #music #theatre #elisabethstöppler #annikahaller @su_sigmund #annamelcher #volkerweinhart
2 weeks ago
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Just received this. Just very excited. The work representing me most as a composer out in a study score. Beautifully made by #editiongravis.
3 weeks ago
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Excited to conduct @tonkunstler_orchestra this summer for the premiere of a new orchestra piece of mine at @grafeneggcom #grafeneggfestival #niederösterreichestonkünstlerorchester #sommerinösterreich #Musik #daheim
Excited to conduct @tonkunstler_orchestra this summer for the premiere of a new orchestra piece of mine at @grafeneggcom #grafeneggfestival #niederösterreichestonkünstlerorchester #sommerinösterreich #Musik #daheim
2 months ago
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Excited for 2025. Conducting music in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Peru. From Early Baroque Opera to Florence Price, Beethoven and Wagner, from Pauline Oliveros to Johann Strauss. And if this wouldn't be enough. Conducting a world premiere of a new composition of mine with @tonkunstler_orchestra #niederösterreich.
#newyear #conductorslife #music #opera #symphony #strauss2025 #newmusic #paulineoliveros #Beethoven #florenceprice #wagner #jacopoperi
Excited for 2025. Conducting music in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Peru. From Early Baroque Opera to Florence Price, Beethoven and Wagner, from Pauline Oliveros to Johann Strauss. And if this wouldn't be enough. Conducting a world premiere of a new composition of mine with @tonkunstler_orchestra #niederösterreich. #newyear #conductorslife #music #opera #symphony #strauss2025 #newmusic #paulineoliveros #Beethoven #florenceprice #wagner #jacopoperi
2 months ago
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Excited for Berlin...
With wonderful @solistenensemble.kaleidoskop #EthanBraun #adamlinder
Excited for Berlin… With wonderful @solistenensemble.kaleidoskop #EthanBraun #adamlinder
4 months ago
View on Instagram |
A wonderful exclusive evening with a great public supporter of the arts and culture, major and governor of Vienna, Michael Ludwig. 
#Vienna #Wien #michaelludwig_official #musikverbindet #culture
A wonderful exclusive evening with a great public supporter of the arts and culture, major and governor of Vienna, Michael Ludwig. #Vienna #Wien #michaelludwig_official #musikverbindet #culture
4 months ago
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@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success!

World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! 
Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. 

Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg!

Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
@klarfestival 2024 was a full success! World-class soloists, an exciting and large audience of all ages, a very young generation as we could not wish for a better one, and generous hospitality at @ledreborg! Bringing Austrian and Scandinavian music together. Thanks to @olivia_deprato, #annaparadiso, #Danlaurin, @kulturskolenroskilde, Artistic Co-Director @clara.guldberg.ravn, #SilviaMunro and #JohnMunro, @ledreborg! Photo Credit: Malin Annie Jansson, Pavel Bunin.
5 months ago
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With the one and only Master. Getting work done with @steventakasugi. Where else, if not in @cafehawelka ...
With the one and only Master. Getting work done with @steventakasugi. Where else, if not in @cafehawelka …
6 months ago
View on Instagram |
Endless fascination Wagner...

Thanks to these exceptional people, who embrace Wagner as an artist, who is shaping the future rather than the past! Thanks for your incredible devotion and support!

At #villawahnfried with Managing Director @stephaniekollmer and President @harryleutscher 

@rwvi_official @rwm_bayreuth
Endless fascination Wagner… Thanks to these exceptional people, who embrace Wagner as an artist, who is shaping the future rather than the past! Thanks for your incredible devotion and support! At #villawahnfried with Managing Director @stephaniekollmer and President @harryleutscher @rwvi_official @rwm_bayreuth
7 months ago
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He said yes! Stipendiat der Richard-Wagner-Stipendienstiftung in Bayreuth. #thankyou
#wagnerstipendienstiftung #wagnerverband #wagnerverbandwien #verachtetmirdiemeisternicht
He said yes! Stipendiat der Richard-Wagner-Stipendienstiftung in Bayreuth. #thankyou #wagnerstipendienstiftung #wagnerverband #wagnerverbandwien #verachtetmirdiemeisternicht
7 months ago
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I am very happy to have won and received a special prize for my conducting from Maestro Daniele Gatti (#danielegatti), Academia @chigiana and Artistic Director @nicola.sani as well @rotaryclubsiena (Dr. Cesare Biagini).
È un vero onore!
I am very happy to have won and received a special prize for my conducting from Maestro Daniele Gatti (#danielegatti), Academia @chigiana and Artistic Director @nicola.sani as well @rotaryclubsiena (Dr. Cesare Biagini). È un vero onore!
7 months ago
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Excited to present @klarfestival 

Together with @clara.guldberg.ravn we created a Danish-Austrian music festival, starting this October. Outstanding international artists will present outstanding art!

Follow us here, but even better, be with us this fall in one of Denmark's most beautiful castles!

@ledreborg, Design: @jy_scr
Excited to present @klarfestival Together with @clara.guldberg.ravn we created a Danish-Austrian music festival, starting this October. Outstanding international artists will present outstanding art! Follow us here, but even better, be with us this fall in one of Denmark's most beautiful castles! @ledreborg, Design: @jy_scr
7 months ago
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#opera#initalia @matteo.torcaso @matteomancini_baritone @nikolettahertsak @lorenzomartellitenore @orchestrasenzaspine
#opera#initalia @matteo.torcaso @matteomancini_baritone @nikolettahertsak @lorenzomartellitenore @orchestrasenzaspine
7 months ago
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RIP #wolfgangrihm

Still difficult to process that the person, whose music brought me into Avant-garde at all, left.
Remembering Wolfgang Rihm means to remember not only a composer, who shaped his time more than this time shaped him, but who was not only of deepest artistic, but human warmth and empathy. How many leading artists would write a letter to some 19 year old school boy, who fell sick for his entrance exams. "Rest, go for walks, read, take a breath. Nothing rushes! Cordially. Your Wolfgang Rihm" 
It is this humanism, serving the musical endeavor not only, but profound artistry bringing more than great art, but inexhaustible empathy to the individual. This is how I will remember Wolfgang Rihm, how his music will survive, because his music is rooted in and transformed to the highest through a humane perspective in the best sense.
RIP #wolfgangrihm Still difficult to process that the person, whose music brought me into Avant-garde at all, left. Remembering Wolfgang Rihm means to remember not only a composer, who shaped his time more than this time shaped him, but who was not only of deepest artistic, but human warmth and empathy. How many leading artists would write a letter to some 19 year old school boy, who fell sick for his entrance exams. "Rest, go for walks, read, take a breath. Nothing rushes! Cordially. Your Wolfgang Rihm" It is this humanism, serving the musical endeavor not only, but profound artistry bringing more than great art, but inexhaustible empathy to the individual. This is how I will remember Wolfgang Rihm, how his music will survive, because his music is rooted in and transformed to the highest through a humane perspective in the best sense.
8 months ago
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#Beethoven #Ravel #Ligeti #stravinsky
#Beethoven #Ravel #Ligeti #stravinsky
8 months ago
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Every day is a good day in 🇮🇹 
#chigianafestival #siena #conductorslife #stravinsky #beethoven #ravel #ligeti
Every day is a good day in 🇮🇹 #chigianafestival #siena #conductorslife #stravinsky #beethoven #ravel #ligeti
8 months ago
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