Radio Broadcast, Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR Klassik), Horizonte. Stimmen zur Zukunft des Komponierens, Sept. 27 2016, Extended Interview on the future of New Music, including excerpts of my compositon “Echo” (performed by JACK Quartet)

Radio Broadcast, Österreichischer Rundfunk (OE1), Radiokolleg. Pause-Stille-Fermate, Jan. 6 2014, Thoughts on Silence in my music and excerpts of my composition “Amen dico tibi: hodie mecum eris in paradiso” (performed by Ensemble forma Leipzig)

Interview with Telekanal Saint-Petersburg about my work as Music Director of the Kandinsky Orchestra Petersburg
Du Bois Orchestra at Harvard First project with Opportunity Music Project. Bringing over 100 musical kids and their parents to Boston to perform together more and less known repertoire, and engage together in specifically designed pedagogical projects (in cooperation with Harvard School of Education).

Extended interview with me on “Sideshow”, a composition by my teacher and composer Steven Kazuo Takasugi

Interview “INCLUSIVELY CLASSICAL” the Harvard Office for the Arts about the mission of our Du Bois Orchestra Harvard, and the vision of diversity, social justice and inclusivity through classical music. Info
Concert Recording of my composition “Eurydike”, premiered by Mivos Quartet and JACK Quartet

Radio Broadcast, Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR Klassik), interview with me on my performance and publication (Edition Gravis) of Alban Berg‘s last performed orchestra piece (Symphony Fragment, 1913, premiere 2015, Harvard Radcliffe Orchestra, Cond.: Kai Johannes Polzhofer)